Presentation Summary

Reclamation of tailings storage facilities with sustainable technologies is an evolving area of study that is significant in achieving post-mining end land use capabilities.  Mine tailings, characterized by nutrient deficiencies and potential heavy metal contamination, present challenges to ecosystem development. Surface accumulation of mine tailings and waste can alter soil biogeochemistry and impact crucial factors for vegetation growth. This research focuses on the practical approach of covering tailings with subsoil and topsoil while enriching the soil with amendments. A greenhouse trial was conducted to assess the effects of zeolite, leonardite, and fortified compost on the growth of bluebunch wheatgrass under controlled environmental conditions. Additionally, a field soil amendment trial was performed to examine the impacts of amendments on plant growth, soil fertility, and heavy metal uptake in plants across different soil cover depths. By conducting these trials, this research aims to provide valuable insights into the utilization of mining by-products (zeolite and leonardite) in combination with compost, as well as to identify an appropriate soil cover depth for sustainable tailings management.



Behnaz Bahroudi is an M.Sc. student in Environmental Science at Thompson Rivers University, specializing in mine reclamation practices under the supervision of Dr. Lauchlan Fraser. With a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Iran, Behnaz joined Dr. Fraser's Lab to conduct research on the reclamation of closed tailings storage facilities (TSFs) in BC’s South Central Region. Her research focuses on determining appropriate soil cover depths and amendments to restore sustainable ecosystems in TSFs. With a passion for effective mine closure and reclamation, Behnaz aspires to make positive impacts on local communities as she continues her career in this field.


Event Information

Date: September 28, 2023

Time: Virtual 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MST

Registration Fee(s): 

*Corporate members, please login to your corporate member account to manage employee accounts and provide access to your team members to register at the member rate. To inquire, please contact us.

Registration Deadline: September 27, 2023

The webinar access information will be available to you upon successful registration for the event.

CLRA National Lunch & Learn: Topsoil-Till Cover Depth and Amendments: Influence on Ecosystem Reclamation of Closed Tailings Storage Facilities

  • Thursday Sep 28 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • via Zoom