2024 Atlantic Reclamation Conference (ARC2024) 

ARC2024 Will be taking place at Saint Mary’s University Halifax, Nova Scotia
November 13 – 15, 2024.

Registration includes:

  • Technical sessions November 13th and 14th at SMU Sobey's School of Business
  • 2 coffee breaks and lunch each day
  • Optional registration for Social Evening on November 13th
  • Optional registration for field tours on Friday, November 15th
  • *Non-member registration includes CLRA National membership

Registration Types:

Registration Options

Early Bird Rate
(Until October 18)

Regular Fee
(Starting October 19)
Member Rate $275 +HST $300 +HST
Non-Member Rate $400 +HST $450 +HST
Student/Retired $75 +HST $100 +HST

Stay tuned for more information.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

  • Platinum Sponsor (1 Available) - $1500
    • Complimentary booth in lobby.
    • Banner placement in auditorium and lunchroom.
    • Invitation for registrant to introduce themselves and the speakers in one full session.
    • Logo on event signage & advertising (pre, post & at event)
    • Logo on poster board in conference area and on projection screens during event.
    • Recognition on website with link to sponsor homepage.
    • One complementary conference registration.
  • Social Night Sponsor (1 Available) - $1500
    • Banner in lobby, at social night venue, and lunchroom.
    • Invitation for registrant to introduce themselves and welcome delegates to the Social Night.
    • Logo on event signage & advertising (pre, post & at event)
    • Logo on poster board in conference area and on projection screens during event.
    • Recognition on website with link to sponsor homepage.
    • One complimentary conference registration.
  • Gold Sponsor/Booth - $1000
    •  Complimentary booth in lunchroom.
    • Logo on event signage & advertising (pre, post & at event)
    • Logo on poster board in conference area and on projection screens during event.
    • Recognition on website with link to sponsor homepage.
    • One complimentary conference registration.
  • Speaker Gift Sponsor (1 Available) - $1000
    • Logo on speaker gift thank-you card.
    • Banner in lunchroom.
    • Logo on event signage & advertising (pre, post & at event)
    • Logo on poster board in conference area and on projection screens during event.
    • Recognition on website with link to sponsor homepage.
    • One complimentary conference registration.
  • Student Registration Sponsor (4 Available) - $800
    • Logo on student’s conference name badges.
    • Banner in lunchroom.
    • Logo on event signage & advertising (pre, post & at event)
    • Logo on poster board in conference area and on projection screens during event.
    • Recognition on website with link to sponsor homepage.
    • One complimentary conference registration.
  • Silver Sponsor - $750
    • Banner in lunchroom
    • Logo on event signage & advertising (pre, post & at event)
    • Logo on poster board in conference area and on projection screens during event.
    • Recognition on website with link to sponsor homepage.
    • One complimentary conference registration.

*All prices will have HST added

2024 Atlantic Reclamation Conference (ARC2024)

Member RegistrationNon-Member Registration

  • November 13 - 15, 2024
  • 923 Robie St
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    B3H 3C3